Advisory board
The KTUR advisory board consists of representatives from the industry, intermediaries and financial institutions from Germany, France and Switzerland. The 23 members meet after the end of each project year to inform themselves about the current status of the project and to discuss the continuation or modification of the individual measures. The primary task of the advisory board is to continuously evaluate the measures and to ensure that they are optimally adapted to the needs of industry in terms of technology transfer.
In the last meeting of the advisory board, the focus will be on how the knowledge gained in the project can be preserved and used in the long term.
The following institutions are members of the advisory board:
- Alysophil France
- A Raymond
- ADIRA – l’agence de développement d’Alsace
- Biovalley France
- Bürkert
- Caisse D’Épargne Grand Est Europe
- Chelonia Applied Science
- CCI Alsace Eurométropole
- CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et Microtechnique
- FWTM Freiburg
- Industrie- und Handelskammer Südlicher Oberrhein
- Le Village CA
- Medtech investment fund
- nEcoTox
- PAMINA Business Club
- Pôle Textile Alsace
- Ricola
- St. Georgener Technologiezentrum
- Syngenta Crop Protection AG
- Technologie-Netzwerk Südpfalz
- wvib Schwarzwald AG